Monday night I had some of my American/ 1 Canadian friends come over for a pasta dinner! We all sat around the kitchen table, shared a meal, stories from home, and a lot of laughs! It gave a very homey feel, and I think it's something were going to continue once a week while we are here. We've all seemed to click really fast, and I definetly feel like I've known them for way longer than a week. I guess in this environment bonding happens a little faster!
Tuesday we ended up going out again. We hung out at Lauren's apartment before we went out and drank with her Irish roommmates. One of them could honestly drink like a fish, and still fully function. I have never seen anything like it. He tosses back bottle after bottle like its juice! We discussed Boston and New York (even a little bit of ABOOT Canadian eh MAL?) accents with them."pahk the cah in havahd yahd." & "coowwwfeee" It was hysterical to hear them attempt to say this in their Irish accents! They were heartbroken to find out that neither one of us is actually from our cities and that no one really talks like that around us! Going out was really fun except for the whole I didn't bring any I.D on my other than my student. Not very smart when you're in a foreign country! (you live you learn!) I couldn't get into the first pub we tried, Molly's, with just my student ID and the other club we tried after that was packed. We ended up back at Trinity. It's not a bad place, but I would've like to go somewhere else! Next time!
Classes started this week. I am only taking 4 while I'm here. They do this really interesting thing for exchange and study abroad kids where they let you "window shop". We are allowed to go to whatever modules (aka classes) we want for the first 2 weeks. Basically just to try them out and see what works best for you. Then at the end of the two weeks we register. I was going to take Gaelic, but the course load is pretty extreme. *Dad if you're reading this disregard the following sentence.* Even though its something that would be really cool to learn, I don't want to have my head in the books the entire time I'm here. I've chosen a lot of European history courses to take instead. We mainly focused on U.S history in school so it's something I should definitely know more about. Lauren and Mal are in about every one of my classes. We are absolutely convinced that on of our teachers is Stewie from Family Guy. We even started quoting Stewie on notes back and fourth, which caused that awkard try-to-stop-laughing-because-its-dead-silent- moment. The picture below is one of our classroom buildings!
We've also planned our first trip for this weekend! We're headed to Galway! My friend Lauren did some researching online, and emailed back and forth with a tour guide who's actually going to give us a pretty good deal. We're leaving Friday afternoon and spending the night in a hostel. Saturday morning we're doing a day tour of the Cliffs of Moher, the Burren, etc etc. Then we'll do a night tour that evening, stay a the hostel again and head for the Arann Islands on Sunday! I'm feeling a little under the weather right now (which is probably due to the weather...) Hopefully it's just a head cold and I'll be fine for our little adventure this weekend! :)
wow, you're upcoming trip sounds awesome. there's nothing like being in the burren! have fun.